What exactly does the Declaration of Performance (DoP) mean?
The DoP provides proof that the product, when introduced to the market and on further distribution, complies with the performance required for its specific use. The Declaration of Performance, abbreviated to DoP, is supplied, together with the CE mark, to the client digitally or on paper, or displayed on a website.
The manufacturer or importer uses the DoP to specify the product and address details, the performance of the manufactured product and the intended use. The last-mentioned is especially important in regard to the manufacturer’s liability.
Horizontale radiators

Vertical radiators

Towel radiators

Performance characteristics
- Mechanical resistance and stability
- Fire safety
- Hygiene, health and environment
- Safety, accessibility when used
- Protection against noise nuisance
- Energy savings and heat retention
- Sustainable use of natural resources
Essential characteristics
The performance of the manufactured product is determined based on the European harmonised test methods. These are contained in the European standards and European technical specifications. A harmonised standard includes the properties that are important for determining the performance.
The DoP enables the performance of products with a similar use to be compared with each other.